Zubereitung Von Heißen Und Kalten Lumumba

Hey fam, today I want to share with you a recipe that is very dear to my heart. It’s called Lumumba and it is a delicious and comforting hot chocolate drink that originates from the Democratic Republic of Congo. This recipe has been passed down through generations in my family and it brings me so much joy to be able to share it with you all.


  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of heavy cream
  • 4 oz of dark chocolate
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp of ground cinnamon
  • A pinch of chili powder (optional)
  • Whipped cream for serving (optional)

Lumumba Rezept Holzbild


  1. Combine milk and cream in a saucepan and heat until hot but not boiling
  2. Add chocolate and stir until melted and smooth
  3. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract, cinnamon, and chili powder (if using)
  4. Pour into mugs and top with whipped cream (if desired)

Lumumba: Rezept und Infos

How to prepare:

Lumumba is very easy to prepare and it is perfect for those times when you want to cozy up with a warm drink on a cold day. Simply follow the instructions above and enjoy!

Preparation time:

The preparation time for Lumumba is about 10 minutes.

Lumumba - klassisch von bertino-küche


This recipe makes 2 servings.

Nutrition Facts:

Calories: 350 per serving

Total fat: 25g

Saturated fat: 15g

Cholesterol: 64mg

Sodium: 58mg

Total carbohydrates: 27g

Dietary fiber: 2g

Sugars: 22g

Protein: 5g


If you want to make this recipe even more indulgent, you can add a splash of rum or whiskey to the hot chocolate mixture before serving.

That’s it for today family! I hope you try this recipe and love it as much as I do. Lumumba is not just a drink, it’s a piece of my family’s heritage and I am honored to share it with all of you. Until next time, stay blessed!