Gänsekeulen Im Bratschlauch Von Sschlumpfine

Yo, yo, yo! Happy holidays, peeps! I hope you’re all enjoying the festive season and getting ready for some serious holiday grub. But let me tell you, if you really want to impress your family and friends this year, you gotta try out these bomb ass Gänsekeulen recipes I found. Trust me, your taste buds will thank you! First up, we got this bomb recipe for Gänsekeulen from Tibby on Chefkoch. Check out this hella sexy pic of these juicy ass Gänsekeulen. I mean, damn!

Gänsekeulen by Tibby


Now, let’s get down to business. Here are the ingredients you need: - 4 Gänsekeulen - 2 Zwiebeln - 2 Lorbeerblätter - 1 EL Tomatenmark - 1 TL Paprikapulver - 1/2 TL Kümmel - 1/2 TL Koriander - 1/2 TL Majoran - 1/2 TL Thymian - 3 Knoblauchzehen - 1 l Geflügelbrühe - Salz und Pfeffer For instructions, follow Tibby’s recipe on Chefkoch. Next up, we got this bomb ass recipe for Gänsekeulen with Pflaumen-Ingwer-Soße from Galimero on Chefkoch. Gänsekeulen mit Pflaumen-Ingwer-Soße von Galimero

Gänsekeulen mit Pflaumen-Ingwer-Soße

Alright, here are the ingredients: - 4 Gänsekeulen - 2 Zwiebeln - 1 EL Pflaumenmus - 100 ml Rotwein - 150 ml Geflügelbrühe - 1 TL Speisestärke - 1 EL Sojasauce - 1 EL Sesamöl - 1 daumengroßes Stück Ingwer - 1 TL Salz - 1/2 TL Pfeffer - 2 Lorbeerblätter - 2 Zimtstangen - 4 Gewürznelken - 2 Sternanis For instructions, follow Galimero’s recipe on Chefkoch. Last but not least, we got this bomb ass recipe for Gänsekeulen - sanft geschmort… from… I don’t even know where this recipe comes from, but it looks bomb as hell. Just check out this pic. Gänsekeulen - sanft geschmort…

Gänsekeulen - sanft geschmort

Alright, here are the ingredients: - 4 Gänsekeulen - 3 Zwiebeln - 1 Stange Lauch - 3 Karotten - 3 Knoblauchzehen - 3 EL Olivenöl - 1/2 l Geflügelbrühe - 200 ml Rotwein - 2 EL Tomatenmark - 4 Lorbeerblätter - 4 Wacholderbeeren - 2 TL Pfefferkörner - 2 TL Korianderkörner - 2 TL Salz - 2 TL Zucker For instructions, follow this mystery recipe on Pinterest. So there you have it, folks. Three bomb ass recipes for Gänsekeulen that will have everyone at your holiday dinner table begging for seconds. Now go ahead and get cooking! And don’t forget to share your results with us on social media. Peace out!